Q: Who are we Hindus? finalVersion ::: make sure there is only one final version;;; THIS wi Azad Kashmir ;;;
Rem: Hate by Love is conquered --- the theme of ".Bharatavarsha.” titled “.In prayer for Bharatavarsha.”;;; on occasion, it may become necessary to be silent in the face of disagreement or dissent --- the famous Buddha's Silence ! ;;;
This, I think, is the final version to build on;;; Q: Who are we Hindus? [] complete this and put it in invitingindia.com;;; keep only one copy;;;
native to India are/were Adivasis;;; a branch of Aryans came down from the north-west to India;;; there might not have been any quarrel between Adivasis and Aryans as Macaulay hypothesizes;;; the arguably superior Aryans made no effort to keep aloof from the native Adivasis;;; --- ;;; ;and, Adivasis on their part did not resist the visiting Aryans;;; the mingling of native Adivasis and visiting Aryans resulted in the populous Hindus;;; people became, by and large, one but their religions did not fully become one;;; Q: why should they? consequently, the people who are offspring Adivasis and Aryans have fundamentally two Gods --- Siva of Adivasi-descent and Vishnu of Aryan-descent;;; this seems to be very probable ;and, the third of the Trimurtis --- Brahma --- has virtually no temples in His honour ;and, seems to be introduced basically to avoid the suggestion of schism;;; it is interesting to notice Shiva-lingam is apparently inside-outside view of the primordial copulation;;; --- ;;; and the meditation “tat-tvam-asi” which may be translated as “that thou art on us” of Aryans and “Soham” which translates to “i am He I am” of Adivasis are deeply compatible;;; while Aryans made no effort to keep aloof but mingled freely with the native Adivasis, Adivasis retained their identity as sensitive people worshiping Nature to this day;;; it is a commendable {.dic_ com.a.ble adj com.mend v t to present or mention as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.} act of justice on the part of Government of India that the state of Jharkhand was formed for Adivasis;;; --- ;;;
This is potentially the only copy … be careful and retain only this, deleting the rest;;;
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the spread of Hindus is very vast, encompasses virtually the entire Indian peninsula --- the present day India, Pakistan, bifurcated Kashmir, <.I imply neither India nor Pakistan rightfully has any claim on any part of Kashmir ::: Azad Kashmir may have been a step in the right direction, uniting all Kashmiris.> Bangladesh, Nepal, Butan, Sikkim and much of Afghanistan --- the entire Bharatavarsha;;; the people are called Hindus and the identity of Hindus is essentially geographic;;; there is no single religion for the entire Bharatavarsha;;; there are to begin with the religion of Siva and the religion of Vishnu;;; a single aspect that distinguishes the Hindu society is the unfortunate class system;;; {.the.} Adivasis did not belong to that system;;; consequently, those Adivasis who sought entry to the Hindu society were referred to as un-touchable because their God “the phallic {.dic_ phul.lus n: penis.}-symbol”, Siva-linga is untouchable and incomprehensible like the vast blue sky;;; .. Hinduism .. .. .. {{.dic_ Hin.du.ism n : body of <.religious.> Q:?[..] and ir.re.li.gious {.dic_ ir.re.li.gious adj indifferent or hostile to religion, or having no religious beliefs.} beliefs and practices native to India }} .. .. .. { Hinduism} .. in its entirety is not a religion because the entirety of Hinduism is not a religion because the entirety of Hinduism lacks a single prophet who may be said to have founded the supposed religion of Hinduism;;; so it is to be said that Hinduism is only a culture --- period;;; --- ;;; and not everything in that culture is praiseworthy;;; for instance its music is praiseworthy ;but, its class system is abominable {.dic_ abominable adj causing disgust.} ;and, because Hinduism is a culture geographically determined and does not get exported --- if you are born a Hindu, you are a Hindu forever and if you are not born a Hindu you cannot become Hindu --- Hinduism is not a religion and cannot be put on par with any religion;;; it cannot be pitted against Islam propounded by prophet Mohammed Nabi;;; Buddhism enunciated by Sakyamuni Gautama the Buddha, a Hindu by birth, was a religion native to India and exported to Tibet, China and the far east;;; an India-born person subscribing to the tenets {.dic_ tenet n any opinion, doctrine, dogma etc., held.} of Sakyamuni Gauthama, the Buddha, the thatagatha, may be referred to as Hindu-Buddhist; similarly a Hindu subscribes to Islam may be referred to as a Hindu-Islamic believer ;so, with a Hindu-Christian;;; it is essentially the mischief of the British that pitted {.dic_ pit against v set in competition with.} Hindu-Islamic believers against Hindu-Vedic- Rit.u.al.ists, Hindu-Trantricks and secular Hindus to name just a few religiously inclined or un-inclined Hindus bundled-up as Hindus and distinguished from Hindu-Christians and Hindu-Islamic believers --- such deep mischief .{.!.}. Hindu-Christian believers, however, had so deeply imbibed {.dic_ imbibe v.t absorb | assimilate ideas and so on.} Jesus Christ’s teaching of Forgiveness, that the mischievous British manipulative rulers did not succeed in bringing about a rift between the Hindu-Christian believers and the mainstream Hindu-cul.tur.al.ists;; it is well-known history that former British-India was divided into Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh;;; so be it;;; I hope Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of peace will reign; it may even be possible that Kashmir may be united and be independent --- independent of India and Pakistan ;and, all us people of Bharatavarsha live in harmony and be torch bearer for the world;;; ... peace ... please ... ;;; it is pertinent to address the most important issue of the culture of Hinduism;;; that is the question Q: where is the class-system today {dic_ today adv 2 at the present time}? there appear only two classes to-day {Rem: both “today” and “to-day” appear to be correct} in the Hindu society --- vaisya (merchant) -class and the sudra (working) -class ;and, the classes are not he.red.i.tar.i.ly {{dic_ he.red.i.tar.y adj 1 passing, capable of passing, genetically from parents to offspring {Q: Sp?[ X ]}} determined;;; Q: is there any role for thinkers as a distinct class in a modern society?[];;; I feel no;;; there is no room for a Brahmin-class ::: everyone should think for oneself and vote accordingly;;; along with Brahmins go Kshatriyas;;; let us acknowledge this and move into such a seminal society {{dic_ sem.i.nal adj having possibilities of future development}} heralding global peace and prosperity;;; ... no more to continue <.I feel this confirms my hunch this is slated to be the only copy to retain.> unh … ;;;
[] page number only one such, which is this;;;
Q: Who are we Hindus? finalVersion;;;
This is the finalVersion;;; an expanded version is being worked on;;; readers, Please send your comments and responses to G.Santhosh Kumar ( sancochin@gmail.com ) or Krishna Rao PUTCHA ( krputcha@gmail.com ) ; full articles are also keenly welcome ;
Q: Who are we Hindus? finalVersion;;;
it is OK to have so many checks and balances;;; krp;;;