"(.e- and e+.) in Brahman" = "the electron and the positron which emerge from light, exist in Brahman ;and, not in Space-Time"
"(.e- and e+.) in Brahman" = "the electron and the positron which emerge from light, exist in Brahman ;and, not in Space-Time"
Abstract of paper :::-:::
‘atma’ is not contiguous{dic_ contiguous adj very near or touching} ;and, Brahman is not con.tin.u.ous --- as it stands in our perception in the presence of paraphernalia{dic_ paraphernalia n personal belongings or bits of equipment} ;but, both Brahman and atma are beyond Space-Time and ever present everywhere. The connection between spatially {dic_ spa.tial.ly adv in a way that relates to space and the position, area, and size of things within it} separate events beyond the reach of light-signals discussed by Prof Aspect indicates the presence of Brahman.
“Quantum Entanglement” owes its existence to Brahman. Brahman is understood through the four Mahavakyas. The electron, the positron, are both in Brahman;and, so are in touch with one another. Information is within Brahman, which is beyond Space-Time ;and, so there is no surprise the information is available to both electron and positron which are both in Brahman beyond Space-Time ;and, no faster than light transmission of information is in evidence here. Brahman is Knowledge-Absolute ;and, no coded … no “awful lot of coded” … information within electron and positron is in evidence here, either. Brahmanis all knowledge ;and, IT (Brahman) is beyond Space-Time. In EPR-paradox, Alice and Bob are to be recognized as being in Brahman beyond Space-Time in immediate touch with one another. When something is beyond Space-Time, the trappings of Physical dimensions don’t apply to it. The e- and e+ .. or .. the pair of photons with distinct polarization are in Brahman ;and, hence they, by virtue of being in the realm {dic_ realm n a field of activity or interest} of pure existence, are beyond Space-Time in immediate existence together with the other ;and, so there is no Paradox. The process of moving the positron away is of no significance to the pair of electron and positron created which exist in the pure realm of existence beyond Space-Time essentially in Brahman and in mutual communication with one another during their lifetime.
KeyWords :::-:::
(Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen)EPR-paradox,Atman (witness-consciousness), Brahman, Space-Time, Quantum Entanglement, Sat-Chit-Ananda(Truth-Consciousness-Bliss);
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Krishna R. PUTCHA
21:08 (2 minutes ago)
Please permit me to mention that I had a firsthand experience in the year '69 of what I subsequently came to recognize as Brahman in a trance which I think is known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi resulting from a continuous word-less meditation on what I feel was the mahavakya "that thvam asi" which translates to "that thou art
"(.e- and e+.) in Brahman" = "the electron and the positron which emerge from light, exist in Brahman ;and, not in Space-Time"
Abstract and body of paper Combined:::-:::
The behavior of electron and positron upon their creation from light is paradoxical ;but, I feel rational understanding of this is possible through a comprehension of the four Mahavakyas which go back to the time of the Vedas.
;;; ... please ... ;;;
The Vedas (/ˈveɪdəz ˈviː-/;[1] Sanskrit: वेद veda, "knowledge") are a large body of knowledge texts originating in the ancient Indian subcontinent.
One of the several meanings of the word "knowledge" given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary is, I remember ... please ... "understanding". The intent of these Mahavakyas, is really that understanding alone, knowledge being really accessible through meditation only and not through mere verbalization {dic_ verbalization n verbalize v I 3 to use many words; be verbose}. The four Mahavakyas (Rem: 'Mahavakyas' may be translated as 'noteworthy statements' ;or, 'great statements') (Reference: 1) are:::
1 Prajnanam Brahma (प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म)
"Consciousness is Brahman"
2 Aham Brahma Asmi (अहम् ब्रह्म अस्मि)
"I <
3 Tat Tvam Asi (तत् त्वम् असि)
"That thou art
4 Ayam Atma Brahma (अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म)
"This Self is Brahman"
I think of Brahman as all there is without a trace of egoism. Crucial thing to point out is that knowledge is not in time ::: knowledge, which is understanding, is beyond both Space and Time in Consciousness, that is, in Brahman. {{{Please see and compare here the following response in the website invitingindia.com >>>
Re: consciousness vs "consciousness in time";;;
authored by krp under main article >>>
Vedanta's timeless guidance for today's living
(Rem: please note this main article is submitted by krp ;but, the author is Prasad Vepa)
in the website invitingindia.com.}}} (Reference: 2) Knowledge is in Brahman not in the libraries of the world or in scientists' heads. The uncertainty-principle of Heisenberg refers to the knowledge in the libraries of the world or in scientists' heads. To bring out the important difference between the two clearly distinct meanings of 'knowledge' I spell-out in full the word ‘knowledge’ to which the uncertainty-principle of Heisenberg applies in capitalized letters as KNOWLEDGE (Ke-eN-Oh-doubleU-eL-Ee-De-Ge-eE) to convey that this 'knowledge' is that which is deliberately put together rather than directly perceived. By virtue of the fact that atma = Brahman (all the Mahavakyas in fact ::: numbers 2 and 4 in particular), direct understanding of the state of electron is possible without shining light on the electron. Only, we may not be enlightened enough to know the place or state of the electron amidst the laboratory paraphernalia {dic_ paraphernalia n personal belongings or bits of equipment; amidst prep in the midst of or surrounded by}.
Though I am not certain, it seems to me that Physics to-day sees Space-Time as the substratum of reality ;but, if we refer to the four Mahavakyas we can recognize that from ancient times Sages {dic_ sage 2 a very wise man} of India declared Brahman to be the substratum {dic_ sub.sta.tum see below (dic for Dictionary)} of all reality ;and, it is clearly high time physicists sat-up to grasp it. >>Brahman is not within Space-Time ::: Space-Time is within Brahman<<. The relevant insight of the four Mahavakyas is that Brahman is both deeper and beyond Space-Time ;and, not within Space-Time ;but, encompasses all life.
Historically in India, religious insights have never been at logger-heads {{dic_ at logger-heads, engaged in dispute; quarrelling} {dic_ quarrel n an angry dispute or altercation; a disagreement marked by a temporary or permanent break in friendly relations}}
Though not elaborated in the body of the paper here, it is conceivable to take the perspective that the world is “Two-dimensional” inspired by the observation that in meditation one is aware of only two dimensions, distance-separation and time-separation. See “Re: Mahayana Buddhism” in the website invitingindia.com. Q: is the universe 4-dimensional ;or, only 2-dimensional? Is not meditation 2-dimensional?[ ] (Reference 5).
The 1935 paper by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (Reference: 3) questioning the completeness of the formalism of Quantum Mechanics highlights an epistemological problem. The problem, briefly, is described in what Einstein calls a thought-experiment ::: what I am writing below is from "The Einstein Podolsky Rosen "(EPR) Paradox - A simple explanation" (Reference: 4). The appropriate link is ...
Think of birth of an electron and positron -pair from radiation. Imagine one of them say e- stays put but the other, e+ is carried far away to the other end of the globe. The spin of e- is determined, say it is up. We know that the spin of the far away e+ is down {Rem: this it seems is experimentally verified : original reference will be gratefully acknowledged : I learn that this is experimentally verified through the video (Reference: 4)} . Now, if an attempt is made to measure the spin of the positron e+ in some different direction as the e- ,which stays put, we would be in a position to know the spin of the positron in both the directions, which violates Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. So, the problem is to explain how e+ "knows" what is happening to e-
Physics sets out to comprehend reality conceiving of matter as contained in Space-Time subject to fundamental interactions (Reference: 8) ::: however, it seems to me the resulting picture leaves a glaring empty hole in the process. Q: what is the place Science (Physics) gives to the investigating Soul? Is such a Soul unnecessary? ;and, again, what is the place Science (Physics) gives to substance or Object of its investigations, notwithstanding {{.dic_ notwithstanding prep 1 in spite of.}} the accuracy or the lack of accuracy of the results of its investigations? Is such an Object unnecessary? It seems to me, both the Object and the Soul are necessary. I can do no better than quote Gautama Buddha … to arrive at this ::: the Object of investigations is Brahman ;and, the investigating Soul is atma ;and, Brahman and atma are both revealed in endless variety to the receptive among us through {dic_ through prep 9 by means or agency of} the four Mahavakyas, which, in essence, declare the identity of Brahman and atma. This is possibly shocking to the scientists --- they are in truth investigating themselves {dic_ themselves pron pl an emphatic form of them}, however far-fetched it may seem to be to them.
I quote the Buddha from "The Buddha and Buddhism", Encyclopedia Britannica copy right 1985, 15th Edition ( or, perhaps later), The University of Chicago.
There is an unborn, an unoriginated, an unmade, and an uncompounded; were there not, there would be no escape from the world of the born, the originated, the made, and the compounded.
What the Buddha is referring to without naming is indeed Brahman and atma of the four Mahavakyas. Upon Nirvana one lives in the continuous vision of the atma and the Brahman. To complete the perspective of Physics we may state an important insight that goes something like this --- hierarchy of concepts … please … Matter, Space-Time, and Brahman … please … Brahman and Atman (atma) are beyond the categories {{dic_ category n a class of things with shared characteristics} {dic_ cat.e.go.ry n a classificatory division in a system}} of physical dimensions ::: they are of the nature of existence itself. That is important ::: it is through atma and Brahman that Space-Time and Matter acquire their reality. To elaborate let it be said it is through atma and Brahman that Matter and Space-Time come into being<.=come into existence=.>;;; … please … ;;;
a passage including an idea to be partially set aside begin
>.Brahman is not within Space-Time ::: Space-Time is within Brahman.<;;; So, I wonder if quote-unquote sentient-proof {.dic_ sentient adj having the power of perception by the senses.} of Brahman is possible ::: I hope however, some quote-unquote inferential-proof may, hopefully, be, by the grace of God, granted to us. I desperately and sincerely pray that such may please be our lot. I am passionately working on the possibility of proving the existence of God using the methodology of Science, because the whole world goes by Science ;and, if Science takes them to God it is only to be passionately loved and desired.
a passage including an idea to be partially set aside end;;;
This was written before I became aware of Alain Aspect’s work. Alain Aspect proves, in my reading, the existence of Brahman experimentally. Needless to say, Brahman is God. The traditional view of Hindu Vedanta (Hindu Philosophy) is that not only is Brahman inaccessible to senses of the humans but also to inferential processes of the human intellect (Reference:11) ;but, Prof Alain Aspect proves, by way of inference, in my reading, the existence of Brahman experimentally. Prof Alain Aspect’s work, if my reading is accepted, proves the existence of Brahman. This is dealt with again after a couple of passages below.
IMPORTANT --- “local realist worldview” of Einstein is not to be rejected as Alain Aspect declared ;but, it is to be recognized as Einstein’s single handed discovery of “atma”(Atman), with this important clarification that quote-unquote local is to be taken to be “essentially local
Einstein is a great sage {.!.}. Einstein is said to have wondered as a boy, in his own words, what would happen if he traveled with {dic_ travel v 5 to associate or consort (usu. fol. by with) : consort v i to associate; keep company (to consort with known criminals)} light ;and, answered everything would be the same. In my reading, it meant, the en-lightened would be in the presence of Brahman, which is existence itself. Q: does ‘atma’ have mass? I don’t think it has ::: IT is not matter.
Alice and Bob can both be understood to be beyond Space-Time in Brahman which is existence alone, their corporeal aspects not being relevant though those aspects are also certainly in Brahman in conformity with the four Mahavakyas. ;;; … please … ;;; Pair of photons considered in Prof Alain Aspect’s experiment are both clearly in Brahman beyond Space-Time and their polarization is under consideration by Prof Aspect while in the original EPR thought-experiment emergence of electron positron pair from light is considered ::: “the spirit is the same” Prof Aspect, quote The strong correlation between particles which are created together is not a big surprise. Measurement of polarization on one photon seems to influence instantaneously at a distance the state of the other photon unquote. In contrast it occurs to me to say, the reality is that the two photons are in Brahman and Brahman alone beyond Space-Time in the realm of pure existence and so, there need be no faster than light transmission of information between them ;and, they are in essence in touch, figuratively, with one another in Brahman beyond Space-Time. Aspect’s inference of faster than light communication between two points at a distance may be set aside ;but, interpreted as proving the existence of Brahman. Brahman Itself, pardon me for being repetitive, is beyond Space-Time. IMPORTANT. “local realist world view” of Einstein needs to be interpreted as being beyond Space-Time as atma (Atman) Itself.
What Einstein called “spooky action at a distance” referring to the communication between electron and positron, is actually Brahman which is beyond Space-Time.
;;; … please … ;;;
‘atma’ is not contiguous {dic_ contiguous adj very near or touching} ;and, Brahman is not con.tin.u.ous --- as it stands in our perception in the presence of paraphernalia {dic_ paraphernalia n personal belongings or bits of equipment} ;but, both Brahman and atma are beyond Space-Time and ever present everywhere. The connection between spa.tial.ly {dic_ spa.tial.ly adv in a way that relates to space and the position, area, and size of things within it} separate events beyond the reach of light-signals discussed by Prof Aspect indicates the presence of Brahman.
[ ] i pray all thoughts come to their end in my heart ::: … please … ::: so i live in love.
“Quantum Entanglement” owes its existence to Brahman. The electron, the positron, are both in Brahman ;and, so are in touch with one another. Information is within Brahman, which is beyond Space-Time ;and, so there is no surprise the information is available to both electron and positron which are both in Brahman beyond Space-Time ;and, no faster than light transmission of information is in evidence here.
refer to “EPR – simple explanation”::: The Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) Paradox - A simple explanation … https://www.youtube.com/watch?ahynv=0x9AgZASQ4k;;;
Brahman is Knowledge-Absolute ;and, no coded … no “awful lot of coded” … information within electron and positron is in evidence here, either. Brahman is all knowledge ;and, IT (Brahman) is beyond Space-Time.
Important Addition begin
In our EPR-paradox, Alice and Bob are to be recognized as being in Brahman beyond Space-Time in immediate touch with one another. When something is beyond Space-Time, the trappings of Physical dimensions don’t apply to it. The e- and e+ .. or .. the pair of photons with distinct polarization are in Brahman ;and, hence they, by virtue of being in the realm {dic_ realm n a field of activity or interest} of pure existence, are beyond Space-Time in immediate existence together with the other. Alice and Bob are both in Brahman which is pure existence ;and, communication between them is not in Space-Time ;but, truly consists of pristine beauty beyond Space-Time that is Brahman ;and, so there is no Paradox as to how one, e- knows another, e+ ;or, one photon with some polarization knows another photon with a different polarization.
dic_ pristine [pris-teen, pri-steen, especially British pris-tahyn]
having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied; of or relating to the earliest period or state; primitive.
Important Addition end;;;
It goes without saying that when we consider either electron positron pair or pair of photons with distinct polarization we should remember to acknowledge that in essence they exist simply in Brahman beyond (or, which means the same, without) Space-Time. Please let me remark ‘thought’ is surely only Brahman and IT (Brahman) is really Atman. All this calls for deep meditation. It seems relevant here to add that Hindu Vedanta (Philosophy) describes both Brahman and atma (Atman) as Sat-Chit-Ananda. “Sat-Chit-Ananda” may be translated as Truth-Consciousness-Bliss. It is instructive to recognize Hindu Vedanta gives Bliss a primordial significance {{dic_ pri.mor.di.al adj 1 constituting a beginning or source. 2 Biol. Primitive; initial; first formed. 3 pertaining to or existing at or from the very beginning.}} implying bliss (or happiness) is innate {=inborn=} and not consequential {=resultant=}. Also, returning to the Physical aspects, the process of moving the positron away is of no significance to the pair of electron and positron created which exist in the pure realm {dic_ realm n field of activity or interest} of existence beyond Space-Time essentially in Brahman and in mutual communication with one another during their lifetime.
To show that, for instance, Carbon dioxide molecule is also in Brahman on independent grounds; or, on first principles, may be complicated ;but, to see that e- and e+ and the pair of photons with distinct polarization are in Brahman is fundamentally elementary {dic_ el.e.men.ta.ry adj pertaining to or dealing with elements, rudiments, or first principles} and simple.
What exists exists in Brahman. The approach to Brahman is through the hierarchy of Matter, Space-Time and Brahman. Consideration of Matter at any given moment of time is with Mass coupled with Dimensions in length breadth and depth. Consideration of Space-Time is with Dimensions in length breadth and depth besides Time. Brahman is beyond Matter and Space-Time in purely the realm {dic_ realm n a field of activity or interest} of existence, pure existence, alone. Fortunately for scientists, by the grace of Mother Kali, the photon is in the realm of pure existence ::: also, the electron and the positron live in the realm of existence coupled with Mass as Matter. The rest mass of photon, I recall, is zero ::: that is why, it seems to me, it is in the easily recognizable the realm of pure existence. However, needless to reiterate, all Matter coupled with Space-Time and Space-Time itself are truly in Brahman. It is relevant to ask, Q: Is there Time when one is one with Brahman? The answer is >no< ::: When there is Brahman, there is only one without a second ;and, there is no Time ::: There is only existence. Hindu Vedanta puts it this way --- there is only Sat-Chit-Ananda, Truth-Consciousness-Bliss.
We think we exist in Space-Time ;but, in truth we exist in Brahman. Alice and Bob also are in Brahman. Recall the hierarchy Matter and Space-Time and Brahman. Space-Time {.as well as Matter.} is appearance. That things exist in Brahman is the true order.
QM says the world to be (in future) is in superposition {of probabilistic states} ::: not what the world is (now) !!! Q: does that not resolve Schrodinger’s Cat-paradox?[] ::: the cat is not simultaneously alive and dead but ONLY expected to be either dead or alive --- simple !!! That probabilities are relevant for predictions (of future) with statistical expectations is no surprise. “Whatever will be will be The future is not ours to see Que Sera Sera” --- Doris Day. QM is necessary to know what the world is expected to be not what the world is.
They say Classical Mechanics is not probabilistic but QM is ;but, I say, Classical Mechanics is directly perceived ;and, QM is indirectly perceived using the very components of which it is composed <<
<...> "The Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) Paradox - A simple explanation" ...
a few references ---
>>> Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel
>>> Quantum Entanglement and the EPR Paradox
>>> also, see the below reference for a discussion on Einstein's Local realism which I feel is Einstein's single handed discovery of 'atma', though Alain Aspect pronounces, I feel uncomprehendingly, as something to be rejected. In my judgment Einstein's Local realism is his discovery of 'atma' (this God-given instrument of knowledge) with an important clarification that it (Local realism) needs to be considered to be beyond Space-Time with this sweet identity with Brahman. ;;; … please … ;;;
2017 Andrew Carnegie Lecture: Professor Alain Aspect
>>> also, to add two more references --- one invitingindia.com website article
Re: atma --- ‘.self-referential | recursive.’ thought
and --- two
Mandukya Upanishad “He goes with his self to the supreme Self who knows ‘this’, who (referring to ‘this’) knows this”;;; a tantalizingly {dic_ tantalize v tease with the sight or promise of something unobtainable} beautiful recursion is in evidence here.
;;; … please … ;;;
What exists exists in Brahman. From the point of view of Physics, the approach to Brahman is through the hierarchy of Matter {the beautiful substance of Mother Kali}, Space-Time and Brahman. Apart from the time-dimension, consideration of Matter is with Mass coupled with Dimensions in length breadth and depth ;and, consideration of Space-Time is with Dimensions in length breadth and depth. Brahman is beyond Matter and Space-Time in purely the realm {dic_ realm n a field of activity or interest} of existence, pure existence alone, beyond all measures of dimensions. Fortunately for scientists, by the grace of Mother Kali {{dic_ (Mother) Kali n Hinduism (originating with Adivasis of India)
begin acknowledgement
I like to specially thank my longtime friend Jacob Thomas of Brookfield, Connecticut for inspiring influence ::: I first thought of the title as well as the substance of the paper "(.e- and e+.) in Brahman" = "the electron and the positron which emerge from light, exist in Brahman ;and, not in Space-Time" in the context of my e-mail correspondence with him;;; Jacob's e-mail address is moolethara@gmail.com ;and, as Socrates said, truth is best unraveled {dic unravel -eled, -el.ing 1 to separate or disentangle the threads of} through a meeting of minds --- in fact, he (Socrates) left behind no written philosophy ::: all we know of Socrates' teachings comes to us from the student of Socrates, Plato;;; I make no comparison of me to great Socrates ::: far from it ;but, I needed somebody in my mind to address my thoughts to, to effectively draft my paper to send for publication;;; Jacob played that role for me;;; I sincerely thank him;;;
I also thank Prof N Balakrishna of the Department of Mathematical Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, for his generous much needed help throughout {dic_ throughout prep from the beginning to the end} the process of submission of my paper for publication;;;
I sincerely thank G Santhosh Kumar, Professor Department of Computer Science for his help in submitting my paper for publication;;;---;;;---;;;
end acknowledgement;;;
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Annotated References:
1. Mahāvākyas Wikipedia ;;; also see pp 7 and 8 of ".Pancikaranam of Sri Sankaracarya." published by Advaita Ashrama (.Publication Department.) 5 Delhi Entally Road Calcutta 700 014 India.
2. Re: consciousness vs "consciousness in time" under ...
... Vedanta's timeless guidance for today's living in the website invitingindia.com ;;;
3. Einstein Podolsky Rosen "Can Quantum Mechanical description of Physical reality be considered Complete?" Phy Rev 47, 777 - Published 15 May 1935 .
4. The Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) Paradox - A simple explanation
5. "Re: Mahayana Buddhism ;" in the website invitingindia.com . Q: is the Universe 4-Dimensional ;or, only 2-Dimensional ? is not 'meditation' 2-Dimensional ?[ ]. (.not referred to in the body of the paper.)
6. I learnt recently through the news media the Vatican has absolved {.dic_ absolve v clear of guilt or blame.} Galileo Galilee {.Q:?[]Sp : Galileo Galilei?[] (1564 -1642).} of any offence ::: and, now i learn that >>> the 2019 Templeton Prize winner does not pull punches on the limits of science, the value of humility and the irrationality of nonbelief <<< Marcelo Gleiser, a 60-year-old Brazil-born theoretical physicist at Dartmouth College and prolific science popularizer, has won the 2019 Templeton Prize. Rem: it is particularly gratifying {.dic_ gratify v give pleasure or satisfaction .} such voices are heard in the modern world, considering the Western civilization is the leading Civilization (.Reference 7.) in the world today ::: {.dic_ pull one’s punches avoid using one’s full force ::: pull punches n to lessen deliberately the force of one’s blows.}.
7. "A Study of History", I remember, a monumental several volume work by Arnold Toynbee, published abbreviated as, i remember, one volume work by Addison-Wesley ;;;-;;; google search is more reliable.
8. Fritjof Capra's ".The Tao of Physics." Flamingo An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers Copyright 1991;;; Chapter 5 Hinduism and Chapter 15 The Cosmic Dance.
9. Pavan K Varma “.Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduism’s Greatest Thinker.” p163 , Copyright Pavan K Varma 2018. Tranquebar Rp699. Reviewed in an article “.A lesson from the past.” by Shashi Tharoor published in The Hindu SUNDAY, June 3, 2018.
Rem: (.extract from Varma.) “the crux of <.the EPR.> experiment is that once the two electrons were separated in space, they still retained a correlation … This interconnected nature of the world is in striking conformity with Sankara’s vision. His assertion of Brahman as the sole cause and ground of the universe naturally eliminates divisibility”;;;
10. 2017 Andrew Carnegie Lecture: Professor Alain Aspect
11. Swami Sarvapriyananda at IITK - "Who Am I?" according to Mandukya Upanishad-Part 1
[ ] IT --- thuriya --- {.Rem: ‘.thuriya.’ (.literally.) the fourth, is another name@ for Brahman.} cannot be inferred {.!.} “.alakshanam.”(.a technical term.) {.!.} 44-45/1:27:06, the traditional view is to be set aside, in my judgment, by a rational interpretation of Aspect’s experimental investigations. However, by ‘inference’ the advaita-traditions {.”.alakshnam.”.} presumably refer to inference in time through experience, which i feel is correct because Brahman is not in time … please … ;;; >.Brahman is not within Space-Time ::: Space-Time is within Brahman.< ;;; v@Rem: (.Reference: 13.)
12. Swami Sarvapriyananda at IITK - "Who Am I?" according to Mandukya Upanishad-Part 2
13. Mandukya Upanishad ^@“.The forth condition is Atman.” p83 Juan Mascaro “.The Upanishads.”Penguin Books India 1994 . “.thuriya.” is the forth ::: Rem: atma and Brahman are known to be the same ;and, i quote Madukyopanishad respectfully again “.Brahman is all and Atman is Brahman. Atman, the Self has four conditions. The fourth condition is Atman.”Q: does it imply all of the first, the second, and the third conditions are also none other than atma, please?[]. Q: does this situation differ from the theory of types propounded by Bertrand Russell? “.the barber (.a man.) of a village shaves every man who does not shave himself ::: Qn: does the barber shave himself or not? either way implies a contradiction. The resolution of this paradox requires the recognition that the element of a set and the set are of different types and that a set cannot belong to the set-itself as an element. However, if the fourth condition is atma itself, Q: how can the forth condition contain the other three conditions as well as the fourth condition? Does that not contradict the theory of types propounded by Bertrand Russell? REVIEW questions and answers of the talk at IITK by Sarvapriyananda part1 Q:does the philosophy of types of Bertrand Russell not apply to the philosophy of Physics? Or, perhaps the conditions in context are not sets at all.
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Re: letthe updated version be "Re:revise (e- and e+)in Brahman";
Abstract-prune, PAPER-revised, References-alone are now in invitingindia.com;;; The References are duplicated !!! SO BE IT . APR order seems OK.
"(.e- and e+.) in Brahman". ;;; --- ;;;
"(.e- and e+.) in Brahman". ;;; --- ;;; Size of Font is not consistent !!!