Re: Very Sleepy Kitten;;; ;;; ;;;
Tiruchirapalli (camp)
Dear Mother:
"Very Sleepy Kitten" ---
A small kitten healthy and pretty was sleeping on open ground; nearby was a dead rat. Did this little kitten cause the big rat's wounds? Unlikely; this kitten was too young, totally unhurt ;only, peacefully sleeping. Seeing the kitten, I went upstairs to my apartment to fetch cat's proverbial favorite, milk! I look for the kitten bringing a plastic bag with milk and a bowl. As I look, there was a crow pecking at something ... was it the dead rat? Oh! no! my sweet little kitten! I approach, shoo {dic_ shoo v drive away} away the crow ... ; the little kitten is hurt, not dead. Leaving the bag of milk, I take her into my palm; kitten, in obviously great pain. I take her up to my apartment, into the bathroom; clean wounds with disinfectant Dettol ... all the time wondering if it is alive ... ; It was! Slight movement. The kitten laid sleeping posture in the bathroom, I go down to bring the milk bag, pour some milk in a plate for the kitten to drink when it gets up and hopefully can drink milk.
Life-injured life; Very sleepy kitten. Now, from that will it die ;or, from that will it live?
I asked my friends what they think. A friend said, "mouth open: dead" A second opinion was the same. I went down, dug a sufficiently deep hole; came back to take the kitten into folded paper; took it down, deposited in the sufficiently deep hole, covered it with dugout earth ;and, stood up looking at mother earth that took its sweet little child back into its womb. As I came back to clean the bathroom with disinfectant, the trees were watching me ... silently.
I live to celebrate "Life" that is larger ;and, would gladly die that the larger life may live.
Your own Chinnabbai
(Krishna R. PUTCHA) 95maY2@12:30am
- Camp REC (NIT) Tiruchirapalli -
20, Savanna, Cochin U
(Cochin University of Science and Technology)
Kochi 682.022 India
PS: Mother, I am sure you don't mind my kind of letter ... I cannot bring myself to write how well I am ;and, ask in every letter how well you are ... I will tell you if I am not well ;and, I ask you tell me, if you are not well. Then we can live purposefully taking care of each other.
Re: more of the same ... please;;;
Q:can I get all the comments to revise them? Sankara::: quote atma satyam jagan Midya +++ <.Q:what?.>;;; see Prasad Vepa's contribution in this invitingindia.com;;; +++ na para;;;---;;;
Re: subject;;;
Re: subject;;;
Re: IIT-Madras_days_ blessed me!!!
IIT-Madras_days::: <.to Chandi and others.> we are always putting the cart before the horse;;; Uhm!!!
Re: i can't help wondering : did i hasten? ::: Q: was it dead?
Re: i can't help wondering : did i hasten? ::: Q: was it dead? i sincerely hope i didn't make a mistake ::: Q: wasn't it reliable? "mouth open: dead";;;---;;; i can't accept that it is dead ::: that is why i can't help wondering : did i hasten? ::: Q: was it dead? Q: could it have lived, if i didn't bury it;;; possibly, this is the kind of thinking that produced Egyptian mummies;;; heaven knows;;;
Re: prevalent preoccupation with death;;;
many Civilizations of Earth are preoccupied with death;;; think of the Egyptian Civilization and the American Indian Civilization;;; however, we still don't seem to have come to grips with this widely prevalent phenomenon;;; Mother Kali, thou art Death Itself dancing indomitably for ever upon the stage that is Life {!};;;
Re: Hemingway --- my inspiration, in a way;;;
i learnt that Hemingway's writing style was informed by this aspect ::: [] write and remove what is obvious ;and, leave the writing sparse and very austere {{dic_ {DK's (revised and updated) Illustrated Oxford Dictionary} austere adj ......... 1 severely simple 2 morally strict; stern}} --- pruned to a minimum;;; {dic_ sparse adj thinly dispersed or scattered; not dense};;; {dic_ dense adj 3 (colleq) {though not relevant here}
<-->;;; Umh!!!;;; also, it is just "Very Sleepy Kitten" not "A Very Sleepy Kitten";;;this note to myself is confusing ::: perhaps from handling of DOWN ;;; now, OK I hope;;;
Re: a lost poem --- sad!!!
i wrote a poem when i was at IIT Bombay in i remember 1975 ::: i remember only the last line ::: it goes ---
when i die, there will be sun-shine on the mountains
hope fully i can approach IIT Bombay Technik student publication and request tracing 1975 Technick issues --- good luck!!!
Q: why does "Very Sleepy Kitten" not show-up?
The posting "Very Sleepy Kitten" does not appear in the web-site invitingindia.com when i read more under welcome ::: please Santhosh, Q:why? please;;; it shows up only when you ... edit ... perhaps natural and obvious!
Re: if only I took the kitten upstairs to begin with;;;
if only I took the kitten upstairs to begin with without leaving it on open grounds ... on second thoughts ... ;;; life is, yes is, meditation;;; seeing is beleiving. I hope I am not mearely recalling a cliche {.dic_ cliche /klee-shay an overused phrase or idea.} seeing is beleiving;;; ... please ... ;;;