".Krishnamurti and Gandhi." to comprehend through Ramakrishna Paramhansa;;;

[] first, the reference to ".Krishnamurti and Gandhi." may be obtained through the link ... http://www.pkrishna.org/K-Gandhi.html ... ;;;
this passage was authored by Prof. P. Krishna ... Rector, Rajghat Education Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Varanasi 221001, India
( Talk delivered at the Gandhian Institute of Studies in Varanasi on 8.1.1996. ) ;;; much of this article moves around the matter of the symbol and the symbolized and the wisdom in not confusing between them;;;{.spellingg mistakes are underlined in red, good!!!not in preview - good font.};;; Prof. P Krishna compares how Krishnamurti and Gandhi differ outwardly in their approach ;;; Prof. P Krishna writes ... quote In my view people often misunderstand and consider that there is some dichotomy or fundamental difference between Gandhi's approach and Krishnamurti's approach. To me, they appear to be complementary. unquote;;; i feel they are truly compatible {.dic_ compatible adj 1 (.often followed by with.) able to coexist, well-suited, mutually tolerant.} ;and, require us to go beyond the outer form these two sages, Gandhi and Krishnamurti, have given to their inner convictions;;; the mystic that Ramakrishna Paramhansa is, resolves the disparity {.dic_ disparity n disparate / dis-pa-rat / adj essentially different in kind; without comparison or relation; <.a seemingly closely related word with disparate meaning => desperate adj 1 reckless from despair.>.} between Krishnamurti and Mahatma Gandhi by saying this --- please don't see Vigraharadhana and Nirvigraharadhana (.or Vedanta.) to be at loggerheads with one another : they both take you to the same God;;; in this context, i cannot resist recalling the unfortunate disappointment i feel with Krishnamurti, when i recall what he (.Krishnamurti.) said after having spent a whole year staying with and travelling with Mahatma Gandhi, something to the effect <.Non-violence is really all violence, in truth.>;;; a reference to this quotation of Krishnamurti will be sincerely appreciated ... please e-mail me your results of relevant search following the directions for such an e-mail to me (.Krishna Rao PUTCHA.) = krputcha@gmail.com = in the Welcome section of invitingindia.com;;;

Re: <.Rector Krishna, RBS, Varanasi.> + http://www.pkrishna.org/

Prof. Krishna writes "What exactly does it mean to be a Gandhian ? Does it mean wearing Khadi ? Does it mean believing in non-violence as a political means ? Does it mean coming upon a deep understanding within oneself of the love and compassion which Gandhi had ?";;; This appears in KRISHNAMURTI and GANDHI by Prof. P. Krishna, Rector, Rajghat Education Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Varanasi 221001, India;;; i feel sorry to have thought impolitely of Krishnamurti about his reported remark about all the talk about non-violence, namely, "it is all violence";;; i feel now he was referring not to Gandhi but Gandhi's followers;;;

Re: <...>;;; INDIAN NATIONALISM --- following Vivekananda;;;

There are five avataras of SriMahaVishnu ... Sri Krishna of Dwaraka and Mathura : Sakyamuni Gauthama the Buddha : Socrates of Ancient Greece : Jesus Christ of Nazareth : Ramakrishna Paramhansa ... ;;;Historical evidence indicates that Jesus was well acquainted with Buddhism.{.Rem: this is taken from source, i hope to specify soon.};;;  
;;; also, the Buddha was well acquainted with Sri Krishna's teaching of the Gita to Arjuna ;and, approved of it ;but, did not Himself dwell on it saying Sri Krishna's teaching of the Gita to Arjuna is perfect and complete;;; His unique teaching is the Eight-Fold-Path with the right understanding of Four-Noble-Truths ... such economy of historical discourse {.!.};;; Sri Ramakrishna realized His identity with Sri Krishna and Jesus Christ;;; but, humbly, i say Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Vivekananda did not understand the Buddha possibly because historically their underlying motivation was Indian Nationalism;;; when Ramakrishna Paramhansa came across Islam, the Hindu Gods and Goddesses flew away from Him --- that explains why there was partition between India and Pakistan ::: they had to go on their independent paths;;; India had no right to dominate Pakistan;;; that Socrates stood apart from other Avataras of Sri Maha Vishnu has to be understood under the consideration that Socrates only raised questions but proposed no answers to be followed --- not even in the matter of his own corporeal longevity;;;

Re: an urgent request for e-mail address of Prof P Krishna;;;

Dear Professor P Krishna::: kindly take this opportunity to visit invitingindia.com web-site and respond to the following request i make here to you ... ". in this context, i cannot resist recalling the unfortunate disappointment i feel with Krishnamurti, when i recall what he (.Krishnamurti.) said after having spent a whole year staying with and travelling with Mahatma Gandhi, something to the effect <.Non-violence is really all violence, in truth.>;;; a reference to this quotation of Krishnamurti will be sincerely appreciated ... please e-mail me your results of relevant search following the directions for such an e-mail to me (.Krishna Rao PUTCHA.) = krputcha@gmail.com = in the Welcome section of invitingindia.com;;; .";;; thank you ... krp;;; all i have is = http://www.pkrishna.org/ = ;;;