Re: a thought to mull {.dic_ mull v i to study or ruminate; ponder often followed by over.} over;;;
Submitted by krp on Thu, 05/03/2018 - 2:22pm.
[] start an establishment named "Humane Science, Inc." to cover life, love, science, and economics ... so help me God !!! {.dic_ humane adj 1 characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for men and animals.} let >.dedicate the intellect to the heart.< be the motto {.dic_ motto n 1 a maxim adopted as an expression of one's guiding principle 2 a sentence, phrase, or word attached to or inscribed on anything as appropriate to it.};;; discourage "publish or perish" - mania;;; IIT Madras days_ gesture ; the gesture of namaste, the lips on the folded palms;;; ---;;;
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Re: we invite you;;;
Submitted by krp on Thu, 05/03/2018 - 2:26pm.
please be invited to comment --- thanks !!!
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Q: what happened to my elaboration?
lost? sorrow ;;;