Submitted by krp on Wed, 02/19/2014 - 8:13pm.||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Humane Story of Jazz Music
the American Continents were first inhabited thousands of years ago by people from Central Europe who went past Mongolia and crossed the Beringia Land Bridge which later became Bering Strait between Asia and Alaska ; the people , called red-Indians , spread throughout the American Continents ;
> i am not the doer < and " I am the Doer " + > a little chat which can be published < ;
Submitted by krp on Sat, 11/23/2013 - 5:19pm.Dear friends :
i want to put down a few things that have been occupying my mind in
the recent time ;
love is not thought ; it seems to me it is redundant to ask what
thought is ( something J. Krishnamurti so persistently does { ! } ) ; { on
second thoughts it is worthwhile asking Q: what is thought ? yes, i do think it is worthwhile ;}
however, let me take it we know what thought is ; our lives consist of two kinds of activities
--- thought in the head and life in the body ; the head is part of the
body ; so thought is part of life ; if we succumb to the unfortunately
the Buddha's Teaching
Submitted by krp on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 9:48am.( OPEN LETTER )Dear Jacob :
i am giving an extract from Encyclopedia Britannica " the Buddha and Buddhism " ---
> the law of dependent origination < ... an understanding of the mechanism by which psy.cho.phys.i.cal {{x dic_ psy.cho.phys.i.cal adj ; psy.cho.phys.ics n. ( construed as sing. ) the branch of psychology that deals with the relationships between physical stimuli and resulting sensations and mental states ; { Q: not psychological ?[\]> no < x}}} being evolves;
The Man and his Math ;
Submitted by krp on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 5:11pm.The man and his math
Submitted by krp on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 5:11pm.
Intrigued by the foresight of SrinivasaRamanujan and his relevance today , Director DevBenegal is working on his biopic ".Beyond the Numbers " ;;
This extract is from The HINDU METROPLUS Hyderabad Tuesday March 22 , 2011 ;
English for School Children
Submitted by krp on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 5:00pm.[ ]Letters to the Editor by e-mail to:
{subject}begin Q:should 'english' go?yes or no?[ ];i say "no";retain 'english' and please make with
'english' an optional offering('malayalam'or'sanscrit'or'hindi'). end{subject}
reference-The New Indian Express Kochi 5
Wednesday , June6 , 2007 STATE
'SCERT prepares curriculum framework for Plus-II'
English to be made optional subject
Dear Sir:
The 'State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)' is suggesting that if a student
Rasool Pookutty - Grabs the Oscar
Submitted by sancochin on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 10:56am.Bombay based Malayalee Rasool Pookutty grabbed the Oscar for Sound Mixing of Slumdog Millionaire.
He thanked Millions of Indians and said " This award is for the country having taught him the power of the silence, the manthra 'om' "